R Public House Bar in Rogers Park Damaged After Man Yells Anti-gay Slurs 

An unknown male offender broke the window of R Public House bar in Rogers Park with a hammer after yelling anti-gay slurs at two victims.

The front window of R Public House was smashed with a hammer by an unknown male in the late afternoon on Jan. 16, following the use of homophobic slurs. 

The restaurant and bar is located in the 1500 block of W. Jarvis Ave. in Rogers Park, approximately 1.5 miles away from Loyola’s Lake Shore Campus.

Shortly before 6:00 p.m., the offender broke the window with a hammer after yelling homophobic slurs at two victims, a male and a female, as they exited their vehicle and then later went into the bar, according to CPD.  

R Public House later posted a photo of the damaged window to their Instagram page in response to the incident. 

“Nothing like a homophobic guy with a hammer yelling anti-gay slurs at customers and threatening them to shake up the night,” the caption read. 

There were no reported injuries during the incident, and the offender is currently not in custody. Area Three detectives are investigating the possible hate crime, according to CPD. 


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