STAFF EDITORIAL: Five Perspectives on Change

As the semester begins to round out and we enter our last few issues of the school year, The Phoenix Editorial Board wanted to reflect on changes in life and how they deal with them.


As the semester begins to round out and we enter our last few issues of the school year, The Phoenix Editorial Board wanted to reflect on changes in life and how they deal with them.

Nicky Andrews

As journalists, we’re taught to be adaptable. A story can change any minute and we have to be ready to report on it in breaking time. Unfortunately, the ability to think on one’s feet doesn’t work out when change is months in the making. 

As I write this, I have no job lined up for post-grad, I don’t know where I’ll be living and I’m unsure when I’ll know these things. It’s scary. However, I’ve realized after many pep talks with friends that there are constants in my life I can rely on — friends, family and my boyfriend. 

My life will change in major ways in the coming months, but I know my friends will always be there to boost my mood when I’m bogged down in my job search. My boyfriend will always be there to give me a hug and remind me of my worth. And my parents will always be there cheering me on and reminding me I have a room waiting for me at home if I ever need it. 

Change should be approached with reminders of what is staying the same. It’s easy to get lost when your world is changing around you, so remember to check in with your loved ones to help stay grounded.    

Austin Hojdar

Last Friday, I got a haircut.

Getting my hair cut has consistently been one of my least favorite aspects of life. It’s always felt like a chore, especially since I grew — metaphorically — out of buzzing my hair super short near the end of high school.

Today, there isn’t much consistency in terms of when I head to the Great Clips off the Belmont Red Line stop. I kind of just wait until my hair gets so long that it’s annoying. 

While that works for hair, that’s not how anyone should live their life. 

Waiting until something is unbearable and avoiding making the changes necessary only makes it worse for yourself and those around you. The change may be hard. And it may not look exactly how you wanted. But eventually, it will pay off.

In high school, my Health teacher once said, “The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is two weeks.” And that’s something I think about a lot.

Isabella Grosso

My whole life has been a series of transitions. From house to house, school to school and family to family, change has been an all-too familiar concept to me. My ability to easily adapt to change, in my opinion, is one of the things that makes me a good journalist. Because of the nature of the business, the news is always developing and changing and we have to adapt to it. 

As I’ve grown older, I found it’s easier to see change as not something scary but as a new opportunity for something great. Everything happens for a reason. Every small change or life-altering adjustment prepares us for something new and wonderful to enter. 

The 2022 track titled “Change” by Big Thief states change is “like a butterfly” and questions “Would you smile forever, never cry. While everything you know passes?”  

Those are some of the lyrics that have helped me realize change is our friend. A life without change is a life without any laughter, tears, hardship or joy. In simpler words, it’s a life without growth. 

Ella Gorvik

For a long time, I thought I would know when it was the right time for change. I thought there would be some sort of sign or revelation that would tell me I was ready. It wasn’t until recently that I realized waiting until I’m ready would mean waiting forever. 

Change usually happens before we feel like we’re ready. It happens when we don’t expect it and when we haven’t permitted it. And oftentimes, change doesn’t feel “right.” It feels abrupt, unwelcome and scary. 

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t needed. Change is inevitable and unavoidable — it’ll happen with or without that sign or revelation. 

The only way to combat the fear of change is to embrace it and know that, a lot of times, it’s for the better.

Fernando Molina Bier

I was 12 years old living in Honduras when I took my first major decision for change. My mom was chosen for a job-opening in Quito, Ecuador, and she asked me if I would be O.K. moving outside the country. In a matter of seconds, I said yes. 

I thought about what an amazing experience living in another country would be, the people that I could meet, and how lucky I was to have this opportunity. I also considered the rest of my family, friends and everything I would leave behind, but I knew the benefits outweighed the costs.

If I hadn’t left Honduras for Ecuador, or Latin America for college, I would have missed out on lifelong friendships and the two most significant periods of growth in my life.

We don’t overthink much when we’re children. We just trust what we know to be true. We’re also not as attached to our current setting and can be much more flexible to change. With time, that changes, too.

Sometimes the picture is clear, but we tend to overthink. If you’re rejecting change because of fear — whether it be of what you’re leaving behind or what’s to come — take a step back and reassess using the positive traits of a child. Believe in what you know to be true and make the best decision for yourself. Trust that change will bring you growth and stay flexible.


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