Welcome To The Opinion Section

Editor-in-chief Austin Hojdar and opinion editor Aidan Cahill introduce readers to the newly re-established opinion section.

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From our writers, families, students on the street and even a bartender or two, we’ve heard we need to bring our opinion section back. 

The truth is the opinion section has always been here — on paper. But it lacked the impact it once had. 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, due to budget  and time constraints, there hasn’t been a designated opinion editor or really an effort to bring outside voices to the section. In that time, the only consistent voice was that of the editors. 

We know we don’t represent every student at Loyola, so this year we’re changing things. While we will still have our weekly staff editorial where we will formulate informed stances on university happenings, it will be joined this year by a new voice. 


Going forward, our goal is to make this section a more holistic look at the student, faculty and community experience. 

We will be accepting letters to the editor through email or social media. The intent of these is for community members and readers to react to what they see in the paper week in and week out, in about 150-250 words each.

In addition, we will be accepting guest editorials, giving Loyola students and faculty a chance to write 600-800 words about topics related to Loyola or their own experiences.

While we hope to bring in as many voices as we can, every piece will still be edited for grammar and clarity. We’ll read every pitch, but we reserve the right to reject pieces if we believe they serve no common good. 

We’re excited to see community voices alongside our regular columnists and editors.

So with all that said — welcome to the opinion section.

This story was written by Austin Hojdar and Aidan Cahill. Featured image by


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