Cancers, take time to respond to your messages from loved ones.
Cancers, take time to respond to your messages from loved ones.
Sagittarius: Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Your life doesn’t need to be extravagant in order for it to be joyful. Perhaps what will make you most happy is what you already have — whether it be friends, pets or family.
Capricorn: Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Mercury will soon enter under Capricorn. There may be something you’ve been wanting to say, itching at your throat — so say it.
Aquarius: Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
You may feel as though you’ve lost a core part of yourself recently. Perhaps you’re feeling disoriented as a consequence. Hold strong — you’ll soon discover a new side to your identity.
Pisces: Feb. 19 to March 20
There is great value in tenacity. Use all your strength to push through these next couple days and you will emerge both victorious and proud.
Aries: March 21 to April 19
Keep in mind that not everything or everyone can tolerate being handled roughly. Approach the world with gentle hands and it will respond in kind.
Taurus: April 20 to May 20
There is warmth in the cold and there is beauty in the ugly. Don’t dismiss something at first glance — dig for a deeper meaning and you may find yourself pleasantly surprised.
Gemini: May 21 to June 21
Your flaws don’t replace your perfections and vice versa. Avoid focusing on only one or the other. Acknowledge the balance of both and you will feel whole.
Cancer: June 22 to July 22
Take time to respond to your messages from loved ones. They’re reaching out because they care for you — return the favor to them.
Leo: July 23 to Aug. 22
Life will inevitably include mistakes — whether made by you or others. Learn to roll with the punches and you’ll find your days pass by easier.
Virgo: Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Indulge in the small pleasures of the day. Enjoy the feel of the cold wind on your face as your cheeks blush pink. Someday you will remember this time with great fondness.
Libra: Sept. 23 to Oct. 23
Fragility can be healing at times. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable around those who care deeply for you. You may find yourself more relaxed as a result.
Scorpio: Oct. 24 to Nov. 21
There is nothing beyond your comprehension. Work hard and you will find yourself in possession of a vast multitude of knowledge.
Catherine Meyer is a third-year student majoring in history. She works as the Managing Editor and Horoscope Editor for The Phoenix. She enjoys writing humorous essays and feature articles about the people of Rogers Park. A proud Michigander, Meyer likes petting stray cats and swimming in Lake Michigan — no matter the temperature.
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