Multiple buildings on Loyola’s campus are set to start construction in the coming months.
Multiple buildings on Loyola’s campus are set to start construction in the coming months.
In a town hall meeting hosted for university staff and administrators Feb. 19, Patrick Brawley, university architect and assistant vice president for campus planning, laid out the planned construction and facility maintenance projects the university will undertake during the upcoming summer break.
In total, 10 buildings will be closed or partially closed across both campuses. The majority of building closures will span from mid-May to August while some projects will begin as early as March.
The plans include rebuilding the roof of Dumbach Hall, the oldest building on the Lake Shore Campus having been built in 1908. Scaffolding will be set up around Dumbach Hall between March 4 and 9 in light of spring break while the building is expected to be closed from May to Aug. 25, according to Brawley.
Centennial Forum, located at the foot of Mertz Hall, is scheduled for demolition beginning May 20. The space will be closed off until Oct. 9 and pedestrian access to North Sheridan Road will be maintained, according to Brawley.
Brawley said there will be a temporary green space in Centennial Forum’s place until the construction of a new building is complete. The plan for the new facility will be included in the upcoming campus master plan and will serve either academic or administrative purposes, according to Brawley.
As a result of the Centennial Forum demolition, Mertz Hall will be closed from May 13 to Aug. 9. The building will be open again for first-year move-in at the start of the fall semester.
Concurrently, renovations to the Mullady Theatre, located below Mertz Hall, will occur beginning May 20 and continue through May 2025. The project will include internal demolitions and a new façade will be constructed, Brawley said.
Renovations are planned for the Simpson Dining Hall leading to a closure of the facility from May 13 to Aug. 9.
Shower pans on the first, second and third floors of Regis Hall are set to be replaced. As a result the building will be closed from May 13 to Aug. 9.
Four rooms in the Mundelein Center for the Fine and Performing Arts are scheduled for upgrades. Rooms 306, 307, 316 and 708 will be closed from May 13 to Aug. 25. Similarly, room upgrades are planned for the fourth floor of Maguire Hall from May 13 to Aug. 9.
Cudahy Science Hall and St. Louis Hall will both undergo facade repairs while wall repairs will cause limited interruptions in the Quinlan Life Sciences Building.
Audio-visual updates in Cuneo Hall will also occur from May 6 to May 31.
Six buildings will see upgrades to their elevator systems including BVM Hall, Mundelein Center, Lewis Tower, Mertz Hall and Baumhart Hall. All of the buildings will remain open but with disruptions in elevator service, according Brawley.
Featured Image by Heather Higgins / The Phoenix
Griffin Krueger is the Editor-in-Chief of The Phoenix. He began working for The Phoenix during his first week at Loyola and has been writing about the university, the surrounding community and the city of Chicago ever since. Krueger previously worked as Deputy News Editor and Sports Editor and is a fourth-year studying political science with a minor in history. Originally from Billings, MT, he enjoys reading and exploring the city on his bike.
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