Horoscope: Sept. 18

Taurus, you were born in the light.


Libra: Sept. 23 to Oct. 23

Mercury will soon enter under Libra. Whisper softly and the wind will reply. Your words are never wasted in the breeze. 

Scorpio: Oct. 24 to Nov. 21

Venus has recently entered under Scorpio. Remind yourself of the gentle embrace of affection — love doesn’t need to be screamed about in order for it to be true. 

Sagittarius: Nov. 22 to Dec. 21

Don’t let there be “supposed to’s,” only “want to’s.” Wrap the threads of your life ‘round and ‘round your fingers. It’s up to you which strings to pull.

Capricorn: Dec. 22 to Jan. 19

Wake slowly, easing the tendrils of sleep from your hazy mind. You’ll find your clarity well-sharpened, your heart more at ease. 

Aquarius: Jan. 20 to Feb. 18

Press your nose against the glass and fog up your reflection. Free yourself from the incessant judgment of your own eyes.

Pisces: Feb. 19 to March 20

Follow the relentless tapping of your feet — don’t while away the hours counting the drips of the faucet against the tile. 

Aries: March 21 to April 19

Make haste lest the birds circle low, catching your prize in their talons. Wasted opportunities breed wearying bitterness.

Taurus: April 20 to May 20

You were born in the light — don’t sequester yourself in the shadows. If you do, your smile will begin to dull, your heart will grow less spirited.

Gemini: May 21 to June 21

Mismatch gingham with stripes, polka dots with houndstooth. Life wasn’t meant to be a monotonous churn of monochromatic waves.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22

Nobody has the opportunity to be everybody, so don’t run yourself ragged trying to. Take one step at a time and catch your breath. Come back to yourself.

Leo: July 23 to Aug. 22

Run your hand along a wall of book spines, selecting one at chance. An adventure read, and therefore experienced, is never wasted. 

Virgo: Aug. 23 to Sept. 22

Don’t let the dewdrops on the slowly-withering leaves distract you — you have greater things to keep your sights on. 

  • Catherine Meyer is a third-year student majoring in history. She works as the Managing Editor and Horoscope Editor for The Phoenix. She enjoys writing humorous essays and feature articles about the people of Rogers Park. A proud Michigander, Meyer likes petting stray cats and swimming in Lake Michigan — no matter the temperature.

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