From The Editor’s Desk: Campus Safety, Stay on the Roads

Editor-in-Chief Griffin Krueger advocates for an improved parking arrangement for Campus Safety.

Trying to be as understanding as possible, I still can’t think of a reasonable justification or purpose for the Campus Safety squad cars to park up by Mundelein. (Jane Miller | The Phoenix)
Trying to be as understanding as possible, I still can’t think of a reasonable justification or purpose for the Campus Safety squad cars to park up by Mundelein. (Jane Miller | The Phoenix)

Few things in this world upset me more than when Campus Safety officers — for seemingly no reason whatsoever — drive and park their vans on the Lake Shore Campus’ pedestrian walkways. All they achieve is an impenetrable blockage in the path, while students huddled from the cold fear getting their feet run over. 

They’re typically perched in the space between the Mundelein Center and Cuneo Hall, with officers invariably looking at their damn phones. What’s frustrating is that the cruisers are relegated almost entirely to just the busiest areas of the path, meaning they could never possibly race across campus if there was a real emergency. So why are they there at all!?

While Facilities Department and Residence Life workers are relegated to a much more reasonable vehicle option  — the humble golf cart — Campus Safety can stay warm, basking in the splendor of their sprawling leather seats. 

It would make more sense if Campus Safety instead used golf carts — a mode of transportation far better suited for the winding pathways of the Lake Shore Campus. This middle ground is already used to great effect by Loyola Emergency Medical Services, who drive golf carts to their calls.

Trying to be as understanding as possible, I still can’t think of a reasonable justification or purpose for the Campus Safety squad cars to park up by Mundelein. They certainly aren’t waiting to catch drivers speeding down West Sheridan Road — or those running the red light outside the Ralph Arnold Fine Arts Annex. 

Even more frustrating, there are areas of campus that actual roads run through, where the Campus Safety vehicles could be hanging out instead. 

Hell, why stop here? I want to see Loyola host a monster truck rally in the green space between Madonna Della Strada Chapel and Coffey Hall. Let’s turn the West Quad into a go-kart track. I’ve been thinking for years we should turn St. Ignatius Plaza back into Kenmore Avenue, as there’s been a distinct lack of through traffic on campus since it was built. 

I also think Campus Safety should rarely, if ever, venture into the neighborhood and instead should more or less stay east of North Sheridan Road. Rogers Park residents didn’t sign up to be patrolled by a private school paramilitary force they have no means of holding accountable. 

Whether they switch to golf carts — or God forbid, travel by foot — all I ask is that Campus Safety stop blocking the walkway between Mundelein and Cuneo — it’s already hard enough to walk through the corridor’s 80 mph winds.

  • Griffin Krueger is the Editor-in-Chief of The Phoenix. He began working for The Phoenix during his first week at Loyola and has been writing about the university, the surrounding community and the city of Chicago ever since. Krueger previously worked as Deputy News Editor and Sports Editor and is a fourth-year studying political science with a minor in history. Originally from Billings, MT, he enjoys reading and exploring the city on his bike.

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