Proposals can be submitted by email until April 4 at 5 p.m. and the selected artists will receive a $10,000 stipend.
Proposals can be submitted by email until April 4 at 5 p.m. and the selected artists will receive a $10,000 stipend.
The Rogers Park Business Alliance is introducing two new murals on West Howard Street as part of its ongoing efforts to enrich the community through public art.
The project, developed in collaboration with the City of Evanston under the One Howard Street project, wants to turn the area into a livelier, more inviting place that shows the local culture and creative spirit, according to the City of Evanston’s website.
The two murals will be at 2233 W. Howard St. and 2017 W. Howard St., and will feature sea and Caribbean themes. RPBA’s goals for the murals include bringing people together, sharing different cultures and showing West Howard Street’s creative side.
Artists must submit their proposals by April 4 at 5pm via email to [email protected]. Selected artists will receive a $10,000 stipend, with priority given to applicants from Rogers Park and West Ridge. Submissions will be evaluated based on the artist’s experience, creativity and how well the design reflects the project’s themes.
RPBA declined The Phoenix’s request for comment. Inquires, however, can be directed to their website.
Father Jonathan Harmon, a Jesuit in residence at Loyola and an assistant professor of fine arts in drawing, painting and printmaking, said public art is significant in a community like Rogers Park because it opens people’s minds to new ways of seeing the world.
“Public art, in particular, creates an opportunity for people to slow down, reflect and see each other in a new light,” Harmon said. “It shows that we care about our neighborhood and are willing to invest in its beauty, not just with money, but with time and talent.”
Sophomore Maddy Rogers, a marketing and studio art major at Loyola, said the mural project is a great way to bring local artists together and show their love for Rogers Park. “It brings people together in a positive way and creates something beautiful,” Rogers said.
Rogers believes public art gives off the feelings and experiences of the community. “It takes vulnerability and courage to put yourself out there,” Rogers said.
She likes the ocean theme, saying it symbolizes the neighborhood’s diversity. “Different habitats live in the ocean, just like the many people who make up this community.”
For her, any art made by locals naturally represents Rogers Park. Rogers said, “It shows we’re open, expressive, and proud of where we live.”
Third-year criminal justice major Tani Gomez, who painted a mural for a kindergarten while in high school, said she appreciates the value of public artwork, because of how easy murals can bring people together and brighten areas.
“Public art is truly important to show others there might still be beauty and not all bad.” Gomez said.
Gomez said the sea and Caribbean themes of the mural project are calming and vacation-like, and will help brighten and connect both neighborhoods.
She encouraged future muralists not to stress perfection.
“Prepare, express your message and don’t worry about filling every space,” Gomez said.
Harmon said murals and other public art installations help break the monotony of urban environments and create a sense of belonging. He hopes the murals encourage people to pause and see how the community values creativity and care.