Editor’s Desk: Stories From the Week that Resonated With Me

Editor-in-Chief Austin Hojdar emphasizes the stories in this week’s issue that he connected with.

Austin-Hojdar-Editor's Desk

Every week, as editor-in-chief of The Loyola Phoenix, I’m tasked with reading every story that’s published in our paper. While the job takes a lot of time and energy, it couldn’t be done without the tireless work of the other editors and the writers who spend their free time writing stories for us all to enjoy.

I understand it’s unlikely our average readers also read the paper front to back but that being said, I want to highlight stories from the week that really resonated with me.

‘The Anthropocene Reviewed’ column

Much like writer Hailey Gates, John Green was one of the most influential writers and minds of my childhood and early adulthood. His first foray into non-fiction writing, “The Anthropocene Reviewed,” is one of his most awe-inspiring works to date and is a read everyone should block out some time for.

At the least, read Hailey’s reflection on the book’s impact on her life and how it’s changed her view of humanity.

Reflection on home

In opinion, writer Elizabeth Maxwell ponders the meaning of home and comes to terms with wanting to move back to San Diego after school in Chicago. While I’m not from California nor am I sure I’ll be going home after graduation, the piece was full of anecdotes that helped me come to terms with the distance.

Whether you’re a first-year experiencing your first set of months away from home or about to graduate and decide where you’ll live for the future, Elizabeth’s piece is worth the read.

Gas stoves ordinance

As an environmental communication minor, thinking about the climate and the way it’s explained to the public is of the utmost importance to me. Laila Ali wrote about a recent gas stove ordinance put forth by 49th Ward Alderwoman Maria Hadden to mitigate carbon emissions in new buildings. 

For those looking to stay in Chicago post-Loyola, it will be vital to look out for other bills like this as the city moves towards more climate-friendly efforts.

I hope you’re able to make time to read these stories and more. Our crossword this week features a Black History Month theme and sports has some great coverage of recent Atlantic 10 battles.

Thank you for reading.


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