Japanese Breakfast Brings Sadness to Light in ‘For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women)’

“For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women)” is an ensemble of short stories and synthetic sounds.

"For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women)" released March 21. (Courtesy of Dead Oceans)
"For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women)" released March 21. (Courtesy of Dead Oceans)

Japanese Breakfast’s fifth studio album “For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women)” tells unique stories of yearning. Released March 21, the album threads together ten songs into one cohesive record full of nostalgia and pining. 

In an interview with NPR, musician and singer Michelle Zauner, known as Japanese Breakfast, said every character in the album succumbs to temptation or desire. 

“There’s a kind of melancholy in looking out at these unlived lives,” Zauner said. “But it’s not a violent longing, it’s just kind of a melancholic acceptance.”

“Here is Someone” opens the album with soft strumming and gentle vocals. Short snippets of lyrics are interrupted by the chime of a guitar. 

“Quietly dreaming of / Slower days but I don’t want to / Let you down, we’ve come so far / Can you see a life where we leave this behind?” Zauner sings.

The first single, “Orlando in Love,” sets the dulcet tone with its elegant vocals and rhythmic strumming. It tells the story of a man yearning for an ethereal woman he once saw. Drum beats during the bridge mimic the beating of his heart, and the sweetness of Zauner’s voice encapsulates the man’s loss.

“Honey Water” diverts from the soothing mood with harsher strumming and a hypnotic chorus. The song follows a woman trying to leave her unfaithful partner but can’t help sticking to him like honey.

“Return through the seasons / Make up for the night / I dream about leaving but no coward soul is mine,” Zauner sings. 

The synth in the bridge and closing of “Honey Water” bends into the next track, “Mega Circuit.” 

The album’s second single, “Mega Circuit” stays true to its name with electric instrumentation and a bursting heartbeat. In a song about longing and being abandoned, Zauner and drummer Craig Hendrix combine strong backbeats with dreamy vocals.  

“Little Girl” follows, venturing into a rustic realm, with a velvety acoustic riff accompanying Zauner’s stirring voice. Bass player Deven Craige boosts the chorus to the song’s high point, where the narrator realizes her life is moving too fast for her to appreciate it.

“Seven years of running at a breakneck speed / Convalescing cheaply far abroad / Dreaming of a daughter who won’t speak to me / Running for her father, coming home,” Zauner sings. 

“Leda” continues with a simple guitar melody, backing the story of a girl longing for a lost love. Her desire for a partner leaves her thinking of what could’ve been.

“Oh, I’m always wondering where you are / While my afternoons move so slow / Pacing the room, awaiting a moment gone too far,” Zauner sings. 

“Picture Window” picks the tempo back up with pounding drums and a catchy chorus over a pop beat. The lyrics paint a picture of a singer fearing the inevitable end of their relationship. The fun and danceable beat contrasts grim lyrics, almost obscuring the plot in the chorus. 

“But all of my ghosts are real / All of my ghosts are real / All of my ghosts are my home,” Zauner sings. 

Featuring award-winning actor Jeff Bridges, “Men in Bars” brings a bluesy rhythm and sound to the table. Soothing cymbal and piano keys make the song reminiscent of smokey jazz venues. Bridge’s (“The Big Lebowski,” “True Grit”) vocals give a rich tone to elevate the song, detailing the first meeting of a relationship from two different perspectives. 

The penultimate track, “Winter in LA,” features light jazz drums and triangle, and it tells the story of a woman who wishes she were a better person for her partner. The song builds up near the end, where the chorus repeats three times.

“Loves the sun / And California days / Loves the sun / And winter in LA,” Zauner sings. 

The closing track,“Magic Mountain,” reminds the listener of the album title, imprinting a sense of melancholy. Twinkling guitar and pleasant vocals lure listeners into a sense of nostalgia — one they won’t want to quit, but have to when the album ends. 

Each song ends on a satisfying note, leaving the listener more than ready for the next. All tracks on the album tell a simple story, but they’re full of emotion and purpose, where every word and sound is a part of the song of purpose.

“For Melancholy Brunettes (& sad women)” is available to stream on Spotify, Apple Music and Bandcamp.


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