Released on Sept. 22, ‘Scarlet’ is a manifestation of Doja Cat’s newly adopted persona.
Released on Sept. 22, ‘Scarlet’ is a manifestation of Doja Cat’s newly adopted persona.
“The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We” is almost entirely acoustic yet full of life.
“Life is a Cabaret,” a student-run performance, explores the nuances and struggles of everyday life.
The cast and crew of Loyola’s Student Play Fest hit the ground running with their newest production.
Odom’s work is infused with a disarming kind of humor as well as queer references and commentaries on …
In the first edition of her column, deputy arts editor Angela Ramírez reflects on Celia Cruz’s legacy and …
Full of mystery and scares, readers can look no further than M.L. Rio’s “If We Were Villains.”
The Art Institute of Chicago’s newest, temporary exhibition features two famed pieces by Michaelangelo Caravaggio.
To embrace the autumnal spirit, The Phoenix compiled five fall-themed movies to set the mood for the season.
If “SOUR” is the naive, teenage party girl, then “GUTS” is the wiser yet reckless, grungy older sister.