Inigo Communications, a student-run communications agency at Loyola, took a one-day trip to Washington, D.C. to visit their …
Inigo Communications, a student-run communications agency at Loyola, took a one-day trip to Washington, D.C. to visit their …
Candidates were running for president, vice president, chief justice, second, third and fourth year senators and at-large senators.
Eight projects are scheduled to go forward on the LSC starting May 15, and expected to be completed …
As the end of the school year approaches, increased numbers of college students are searching for summer jobs …
New co-op opens in Rogers Park with a dedication to serving both local customers and local produce.
Regis residents received an email from Washington stating “the community fine will not be assessed,” April 12.
The 200 and 300 level classes will implement new topics related to law, immigration, justice and politics.
A group of three protesters gathered outside of Loyola’s Mertz Residence Hall on the evening of April 14 …
A 32 year-old-male sustained a gunshot wound to the foot Thursday afternoon on the 1400 block of W. …
The DNC announced the United Center will be the location of the convention which is set to run …