Construction is expected to be finished by August, with the top floor dedicated to softball and the bottom …
Construction is expected to be finished by August, with the top floor dedicated to softball and the bottom …
The individual hasn’t been apprehended as of Feb. 18. The investigation is being conducted by the Chicago Police …
Both disturbances were caused by unidentified individuals entering the building on separate occasions.
Mertz Hall flooded at approximately 3 p.m. Jan. 21 after a pipe burst and leaked water into the …
The flooding occurred in a room where a window was left open and the heat was turned off …
An unknown man not affiliated with Loyola entered several student rooms in Mertz Hall Sept. 8.
Campus Safety notified the Loyola community of a March 16 sexual assault in Mertz Hall.
All three elevators in Mertz Hall broke down starting on Saturday, Sept. 10, with the elevators being operable …