Editor’s Desk: How to Write for The Loyola Phoenix

Every week, I get a few emails from Loyola students asking how they can join The Loyola Phoenix.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my time on The Phoenix recently. 

I originally joined in 2021 as an arts & entertainment writer during my second year. My friends wrote my name down at an organization fair without telling me, and I got an email the following week informing me of a Zoom meeting that Sunday. 

The next year, I was managing editor. Now, as a fourth-year and editor-in-chief of the paper, I currently field all the emails that go to [email protected] — many people’s first point of contact for our paper.

For those whose friends didn’t write their name down on our interest form, I want to let you know there’s still time to join The Phoenix. 

Our five sections — news, opinion, arts, sports, photo — host open meetings every week where prospective writers pitch stories, editors suggest topics for people to cover and everyone can get to know one another. Each of those meeting times are listed on the second page of our physical paper, distributed every Wednesday.

If you can’t make the upcoming meeting, Loyola students can reach out to myself or an editor for a specific section for more information or just to get acquainted with what The Phoenix is all about. 

Students of all majors are welcome to write for The Phoenix. While most of our editors, including myself, are multimedia journalism majors, a good handful of the names you see in print and online each week are people studying a wide array of subjects at our university. 

The Phoenix has grown to consume my life and I really can’t imagine my time at Loyola without the paper.

Thank you to all my friends who support me and put up with me constantly talking about our paper. Maybe I just want all of them to join.

This week, read about niche museums around Chicago and near Loyola’s campus in arts. Go to sports to read about Sister Jean’s induction into the Chicagoland Sports Hall of Fame.