Deputy Opinion Editor Michael Clausen discusses the state of ongoing CTU-CPS negotiations.
Deputy Opinion Editor Michael Clausen discusses the state of ongoing CTU-CPS negotiations.
Deputy Opinion Editor Michael Clausen and Opinion Editor Hailey Gates defend their picks for Shedd’s newest underwater friend.
Deputy Opinion Editor Michael Clausen explores the state of America’s public beaches.
A second memorandum from the administration confirmed FAFSA is currently safe from the freeze.
Deputy Opinion Editor Michael Clausen discusses the departure of longtime CTA President Dorval Carter.
Opinion Editor Hailey Gates and Deputy Opinion Editor Michael Clausen try their best at expressing their musical excitement …
Deputy opinion editor Michael Clausen discusses Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s first year in office.
Elections across this globe this year have demonstrated political divides between men and women.
Writer Mike Clausen shares his fondness for the 1968 detective show “Columbo.”
Writer Mike Clausen denounces standard journalistic style of not utilizing the Oxford comma.