Writer Aaliyah Solano argues against the recently-announced halftime show headliner for Super Bowl 28.
Writer Aaliyah Solano argues against the recently-announced halftime show headliner for Super Bowl 28.
Writer Yareni Murillo writes in favor of the recently-announced halftime show headliner for the Super Bowl 28.
Writer Julia Soeder argues students, as Loyola’s customers, shouldn’t be forced to go to class.
Writer Sophie Buchman implores Loyola to make resources more accessible and to proudly fight for its transgender students.
Writer Ryan Maddigan makes the case for elective upper-level history courses on campus.
Writer Tyler Lucas discusses how accessibility to fashion through non-traditional selling platforms affects consumer trends.
Editor-in-Chief Griffin Krueger discusses the MLB’s commercialization and how it’s affecting America’s beloved ballgame.
Writer Michael Clausen explains his frustration over the city’s latest plan to update Lake Shore Drive.